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电 话:020-38886981
手 机:13560478584





You are reading this because you want to find your business solutions in China. If you business is expanding to China, Set up your new business in China, you are looking in the right Place. In this article we will discuss the types of business which you could setting up in China:

WEBOND LIMITED CORPORATION is pleased to provide the following useful information for you.

Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise [manufacturing]:

When looking at the attractions of manufacturing in China weigh up the benefits of subcontracting, or outsourcing, in China. If your company’s manufacturing requirements can be met through an outsourcing operation, this may be the better option. It may be possible to outsource using local manufacturers in China. Much of the myriad of goods on sale in the West bearing a ‘Made in China’ label is manufactured under contract.

In many cases it will not be possible to deal direct with a small Chinese manufacturer; such entities do not possess the all-important license to export the finished goods.

Trading Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise in China:

Normally to have a trading WFOE is the better option:

Getting an export/import license has become much easier since March, 2006. It can be organized, and sometimes smaller manufacturers offer low-cost production in conjunction with your Trading WFOE equipped with such a license.

What are the disadvantages of setting up a WFOE?

A disadvantage for an inexperienced investor setting up a WFOE in China is that much of the knowledge, administrative processes and contacts a partner would bring has to be gained the hard way. Strong relationships are a key factor for successful business in China, whether with the local authorities where the enterprise is located or along the supply chain.

Consulting and Service WFOE in China:

You could set-up a Consulting WFOE or service WFOE in China if you are looking for provid

Jess 先生 (咨询顾问)  
电  话: 020-38886981
传  真: 020-38888980
移动电话: 13560478584
公司地址: 中国广东广州市天河区天河路490号壬丰大厦33层3305室
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公司主页: http://webond15.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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广州顾邦企业管理有限公司 公司地址:中国广东广州市天河区天河路490号壬丰大厦33层3305室
Jess 先生 (咨询顾问) 电话:020-38886981 传真:020-38888980
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